How to compress images and make my file / PowerPoint smaller in file size?
Image file size too big? PowerPoint file is more than 1GB?
Here are some image Compression and Optimization tools -and guides- you may consider using:
(Disclaimer: The tools below are not supported by NUS. Please use them at your own discretion.)
- Software: Caesium (Windows and Mac)
- Software: RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool (Windows only)
- Software: ImageOptim (Mac only)
- Software: ImageAlpha (Mac only)
- Software: Trimage Image Compressor (Linux only)
- Guide: How to Reduce the size of Microsoft Office Documents That Contain Images (Windows)
- Guide: Reduce your file size in Office for Mac (Mac)
- Guide: Pages for Mac: Reduce the file size of a Pages document (Mac)
- Guide: Optimizing PDFs in Adobe Acrobat Pro (Windows and Mac)
- Further Reading: What is "Resolution"?
Remarks: Free web-based or online image compressors are highly discouraged. We will not know and cannot guarantee the safety and privacy of your uploaded documents and files. Take extra precautions when using such services.